Monday, December 13, 2021

A J Nystrom globe, 8 inch masterpiece

I have a great globe and great story to close out this year. I was lucky enough to add a globe that has eluded me for quite sone time . A J Nystrom 8 inch globe , 1928. This beauty features the extremly color rich gores from W&AK Johnston of Edinburough, quite a unique color ssheme for the 1920's.
This globe is not necessarily uncommon, what is uncommon is finding this globe in a "full mount" style, and in excellent original condition. Anyone who's read this blog in the past will know I'm a condition nut. I beleive as I collect that quality over quantity should win the day. This little gem fits the bill. I would be hard pressed to find a nicer example of any full mount 8 inch globe from the 1920's ! Needless to say I'm really excited to add this to my collection. This orb is the same one that is often seen in "Kittinger" globes of the same time period, all Kittinger did was take these globe orbs, re- label them and put them in their wooden stands. the maps and meridian ring, and horizon band are all Johnston/ Nystrom. This globe rests on a very attractive lion paw tripod stand , it is cast iron with a copper wash, very common for the period, and nicely executed in this globe here:
Below I want to share a picture of the Horizon band, this is the exact same horizon band used on Weber Costello globes of the time, certainly suggesting that Nystrom was in the business of farming out much of their globe production, in fact the meridian ring is also identical to other Weber costello products of the time.
So I promised a story, about how I came to find this gem. Most of the time I find my best globes on ebay, but the past year or so I've noticed a definate migration away from ebay. Several great leads have happened through this website as people contact me. This globe came via facebook, on a map and globe group. It was great to have all of the pieces come together. I was able to make a deal and shipping was quick because as buyer and seller we didn't live all that far from each other. Pro tip, The UPS store does an excellent job packing and shipping delicate items, this is the third such item that has been packaged through them always with safe and secure results.
I have mentioned before that eight inch globes in my opinion are more desirable from a collecting standpoint that 12 inch globes, mostly for the relative scarcity of them as compared to larger globes. They are also the smallest globes that were available in a " full mount" configuration. The eight inch size just has excellent proportions that really show the art and science that make old globes so much fun to collect. Finally I will leave you with a picture of 3 8 inch globes from my collection Rand McNally, Nystrom, and Weber Costello. All from Chicago, all also produced between 1925-30. Notice the variation in the tripod bases each company putting their own spin on a classic design. The globes from 1920-35 are really the last of the American globes manufactured with traditional materials of plaster, wood, metal and paper. In the years following the manufacturing process took a decidedly cost concious turn and price beat out quality in the globe world.
As always please dont hesitate to contact me if you have a globe question or have a globe for sale.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

A H Andrews eight inch terrestrial globe 1868

       I've been waiting to write this blog entry for years, as an avid American globe collector there are a few touchstone globes that you want from the 19th century and this is one of those.   This is an AH Andrews 8 inch full mount globe from the late 1860's ,  it's on what might be described as Andrew's signature mount, the gothic tripod complete with 12 sided horizon ring.  Paper, wood, and brass in an iconic combination.  

AH Andrews 1868, 8 inch globe

     This globe is an example of the best AH Andrews was making, the ornate tripod base was quite an unexpected level of detail for what was a small desk globe.   This model was retail $15 in the late 1860's which amounts to roughly $300 in 2021 dollars,  quite a sum for such an object.   The US purchase of Alaska is complete on this orb ( 1867 ) but Yellowstone has yet to be designated a national park ( 1872).  

     This example sits in all original condition, and in remarkable preservation.  The orb is nearly unblemished, and the tripod base is in excellent shape, the horizon band is original and shows some water stains but so often the paper is in even worse condition on other Andrews globes of the time period.   This is exactly how collectors dream to find 150 year old objects,  all original and excellent preservation.  It's my job to now preserve this item for the next generation. 

 These two pictures show the horizon ring and a close up of North America .   The orb has mellowed and darkened slightly over time but the Andrews map is still colorful.   I had an interesting time acquiring this globe as I was contacted by a blog reader with an interest in selling this globe.  Now usually when I'm contacted the person is far from me, in one case Hawaii ,  but this time they actually lived not so far and we were  able to  meet up and I had the luxury of seeing in person before I bought.  As anyone who's had a package damaged in shipping can attest sometimes in person is the way to go.    

     I own a similar 8 inch Andrews that is about 5-10 years newer in that Yellowstone Park is marked but little else differentiates the two orbs, save for the mounting style. 


Sunday, May 23, 2021

A very early A J Nystrom globe

      Happy spring!   I want to share an interesting item to come my way not long ago.   This is a very early A J Nystrom 8 inch globe that dates from 1906 or so.    The map gores are from W&AK Johnston and show the charesteric excellent color of that manufacture. 

     A J Nystrom of Chicago became the sole US distributor of Johnston orbs in 1904, this globe still      features "Indian Territory" in present day Oklahoma which would place this globe as earlier than 1908. 
  Here we've got an 8 inch example of the Nystrom/ Johnston partnership from the earliest time in their alliance.   This is the earliest Nystrom globe I have ever encountered, pictured here with the globe manual that could have been purchased with this globe .  The globe is mounted on a very early bronzed tripod stand, the very earliest version of what would become the ubiquitous clawfoot tripod that was popular for decades in the between war years.   This globe still features the pre WW1 geography, even remnants of empires still exist!   
      The pandemic has affected the antiques market in several ways that has certainly impacted how and at what cost antiques come to market.  Most obviously good things are going up,  in some cases way up.  Seems the top 10% of quality in most categories including globes is moving high right now.  Buying quality condition is more important than ever!   I hope you enjoy the post and as always ask questions, and email me directly if you've got something great to sell or trade,