Firstly let me set the scene for you, I am primarily interested in antique cartography, especially globes as you might guess but I do love some other categories of things. Most notable are folk art, advertising, and old photographs. So on the antique trail I've got my eyes wide open for many different things, and my wife is searching for even more!
Our first day had us traveling from Portsmouth to Bar Harbor, we took the fabled route 1 north instead of the interstate. Route 1 is touristy to say the least Kennebunkport has some shops that cater to casual interest, selling mostly overpriced smalls, things that travel easily. I had always herd that Wiscasset Maine was an antique paradise of sorts. We planned a long stop in their quaint downtown and were rewarded with a dozen or so independent antique shops to sample.
Wiscasset had something for everyone some shops were very curated and very high quality, others were just one step above your local flea market. Most were between these extremes, however with few exceptions most shops concentrated on tchochkeys, smalls that just gather dust, unless it's a small globe I can't stand buying those things. To each his own........ so Wiscasset was worthy for its sheer volume, I would stop again.
Turn of the century medical cabinet |
Into and out of so many small towns with small antique barns, sheds, sometimes just a pile of junk suggesting a sale, we stopped at them all. The interior of Maine was full of such places. None as good as this Bangor shop. Here's a pic of a typical shop. You just never know what overlooked piece of bounty might be lurking , I swung into 50 such places, empty handed I left
As you can see It didn't matter to me weather the shop catered to the 1% or weather you needed a shower after visiting, I stopped at them all. There's an education to be had at all levels of the antiques trade.
Further on down the road I stopped into an excellent group shop in Middlebury VT, The Middlebury antiques center is a comfortable mid range shop with an eclectic mix of quality dealers, no junk, some higher end offerings, but mostly just good mid range items. One dealer in particular seemed to specialize in antique cartography:
The final stop of my 3 state Odyssey was in Shelburne VT . Here I again found a great multi dealer shop with the type of 18th and 19th century merchandise I like. The Champlain valley antiques center is just south of Burlington VT certainly worth the trip if you are in the area. I went back and forth over several items in this shop, an old blanket chest, and a mounted fish decoy, both items way out of my wheelhouse, but I couldn't shake them!
OK, I know what some of you are thinking, " Kyle this is a globe blog, I don't want to read about some Fu#@ed up wooden fish and a crappy trunk" well suck it up were almost finished.....
Neither of these items made it home but as I type this I'm thinking I made an error, especially on the decoy. they wanted less than $100 for the decoy and it is defiantly hand carved not machine carved, I think I really should have grabbed that one, If you're near Burlington, grab this decoy I think it's a bit of a sleeper!!
Well minor regrets but it was good to be out in the mix seeing antiques on the ground, not on a screen. One thing I realized is my romanticized view of antiquing in New England is still somewhat available, but the antique selling marketplace has shifted online, and to mega antiques events like the annual New Hampshire antiques week that it's almost not worth running from shop to shop over 1000 miles. I'm glad I did if for no other reason than this part of the country is old, and an antique in itself, I saw so many charming things village to village that in itself was wonderful.
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