In this Internet age when so many traditional mom and pop antiques businesses have gone away it seems that with exceptions, malls, and very high end stand alone dealers are all that is left, gone are the days of the mid range generalist dealer, specialize, move up market or move into a mall. If you want to sell in a live setting these are your options other than shows.
So back to the mall, If you know that 90% of everything inside the antique mall will be either way overpriced, or sub standard, or both, then that's fine. That still leaves 10% and 10% of one of these places is still a lot. Now Is there a chance of turning up a "diamond in the rough"....? Yes absolutely, if of course you are an employee of the mall, or a dealer who can frequent the place every few days. As a casual visitor I'd say your chances are exceedingly slim.
I stopped at this mall for the first time driving through Ohio, it's about 1/2 way between Dayton and Columbus just off I-70 It's an easy day trip from anywhere in Ohio, and an easy overnight from Chicago, or Indianapolis. I was hunting globes, advertising, maps, furniture, etc. I naturally zerod in on the globes seeing as this is the market that I have the best grasp of. I want to show an example of a globe that I would have purchased 5-6 years ago that would have been a mistake.
Mid 30's Crams silver Ocean globe |
Next I want to show you another item, a Trippensee planetarium, a really nice example from 1958
This particular item was in very nice condition, I would be hard pressed to find a better example of a mid century planetarium. Here's the problem, it's listed at $1800..!!! How was that price arrived at.....?? That's a price I've seen for older wooden planetariums, but these Bakelite/ plastic ones seem to top out right around $700-$800. The top line pricing usually include the original box, and the handbook, both were missing here. I wanted this planetarium but I could not even begin to negotiate on this item. This piece will sit in this mall gathering dust until doomsday the way it's priced.
Malls are designed for that casual buyer, I get that. I'm not necessarily the target of a mall's allure, I get that too. I do believe in life and especially in the hunt for antiques that quality should reign supreme over quantity. Think about the great collections you've observed in your personal life weather they be seashells, stamps, baseball cards, or vintage automobiles. What is all cases that rare, pristine, original , authentic thing is what you remember most, it's what sticks with you. When I hunt for something to add to my collection I want the best that I can afford, and you should too. A finely curated collection of say 5 items will always be more desirable and therefore more valuable than a mediocre gathering of a dozen items.
These are school maps from the turn of the 20th century, they are over 100 years old, and they are self framed by the manufacturer. They are large wall maps published by the Atlas Relief Map company of Chicago. These were in very nice original condition, especially the North America map, very little wear, crisp and easy to read. I wanted them but they were just too big. They are hanging at the Heart of Ohio Antique mall as we speak. Priced at $395 each I'm sure a deal could be had in the $325-$350 range. That my friends would be a satisfying buy. These maps in auction/ retail settings are often priced substantially higher. So there you go I found a worthy item, and I've left it behind for you.......
Let me close with a few more thoughts. The antiques market at least the low and mid level is now primarily an online affair. That makes it dificult in some ways to attract new people to any form of antiques hobby. Malls counteract that by exposing people to a wide variety of goods all in one place. You certainly need physical exposure to old stuff in order to appreciate it. Currently I'm in Bouckville NY for the annual Madison Bouckville antiques week It's a " Brimfield lite" type of event, same format, but merchandice at these shows tends to be 2 steps above your usual Antique mall fare. I'll be highlighting this experience in my next blog post .
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Selling antiques is a tricky side hustle to start. You have to know about antiques, art history, and the antiques market. You have to understand how to appraise antiques. You also need to understand your demographic and maintain connections with them. These skills have been lost to time because of the Antiques Roadshow effect - if everyone thinks they have buried treasure in their attic, then nothing is an antique. It's a very specialized skill, and you have to make your own connections - you don't make a antiques business by accident, it takes a lot of effort. I would try any other side hustle myself.