If your a steady reader of the blog you will know I have a love/ hate relationship with eBay. It's the source of some of my best finds and also sometimes my greatest frustrations. eBay seems to go in waves, sometimes there's just great stuff coming up all the time and sometimes there's just nothing for months and months. Of course this is highly subjective if I'm not finding things certainly does not mean that others with other interests are not finding deals of a lifetime!

Here we have a Cram catalog from 1906, and we also have a wonderful ad for the ACTUAL first Cram globe.
This catalog found no love on eBay, I was an early and lone bidder winning this gem for under nine dollars. It was well worth it for the history It provides me. The catalog is actually full of color pages of maps for sale, color being a rarity in catalogs this old. The real excitement for me is the advertising for the 12 inch globe prominently featured on the back cover. The George F. Cram company issued one globe well before the 1930's globes that we are all familiar with. This ad suggests a map updated for 1905! These are amongst the rarest of Cram globes. I've known one collector with a mint example, and I've seen perhaps one other in my collecting time. This ad easily pictures not only the earliest Cram globe but also the most desirable Cram globe made. After this globe ceased production Cram was out of the globe business for a while resurfacing in 1932 with their vast array of globes that continued for decades.

I hope you've enjoyed this post, and I hope to have another post along much quicker than this. As always please feel free to comment, or reach out to me to discuss globes, collecting or anything else associated with this great hobby.
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